Good day! Dispatchers, I want to share my thoughts on SHOWING GOOD FAITH in the practice of your business.
As you know, every industry has some unscrupulous behavior and this does includes dispatchers (misusing the driver’s information to their advantage). As a result, many drivers have a heightened sense of awareness when it comes to working with a dispatcher.
To avoid alarming a driver, I have a few suggestions that won’t work against you in building trust or good faith:
📌Replace the word “contract” with “agreement”. Dispatching is an optional service, a driver is free to discontinue your services at any time. Why the need to make a driver contractually obligated to use your dispatch service? It just creates a bad impression overall. Many drivers won’t like it.
📌A properly written freight dispatch agreement will give you access to work on behalf of the carrier so in my opinion, a POA is not needed. We all know how serious this word is. The first time a dispatcher requested it from me, I was skeptical and not willing to consent. You don’t need that power over my business!
📌Don’t ask a driver for banking information until the time comes for them to use that info to process a load payment. If your driver ONLY factors, there is no need to request this information. Times are sensitive now, and so are people about their information.
📌Don’t use the term “now hiring” or “no forced dispatch”. You are not hiring anyone and you can not force a driver to take a load so its pointless to use this verbiage.
📌Expecting to get paid after each load is generating work for the driver. How many 9-5 jobs have you had where you got paid at the end of each shift? Establish a connection with your driver in a way that you don’t feel the need to request this. If you are making money for the driver, you will get paid. If not, move on after the first incident.
You don’t have to agree with me, run your business as you please but these practices can be a deterrent from attracting dispatch clients.
Have a good day and stay safe 😷.